Monday 12 March 2012

Meaning of Hanuman Ji

Other names of Hanuman: Mahavir, Maruti, Pawan-suta, anjaneya, ram-doot, Rama-das, Kesari-nandan and many more.
Other forms of Hanuman:  Sometimes hanuman is shown flying with one hand holding up a mountain; He is shown opening his chest with His own hands and showing Rama and Sita sitting in His heart.
Significance: Hanuman is one of the most popular Hindu deities. He is an embodiment of service (Seva), devotion (Bhakti) and surrender (samarpan, egolessness). He is an incarnation of shiva. He is also considered the son of wind-god (Maruta) son of Anjani Devi. He has a high chin (hence the name Hanuman) and a long tail like that of monkey. In physical characteristics he looks sub-human, but his qualities are divine/super human, which all of us aspire to have. He is endowed with tremendous physical and spiritual strength, courage and valor (hence the name mahavir), fearlessness, devotion to Rama and sita, (hence the name Rama-das, Rama-doot etc.) high intelligence, truthful speech, ocean of knowledge and other good qualities. He is in complete control of all his senses.
Hanuman is worshipped by all especially those who are engaged in games and sports and those who are engaged in hard yogic practices.
Hanuman carrying a mountain in his hand shows his tremendous devotion to carry out the task given by his master, Lord Rama.  Opening his chest to show there is nothing other than Rama and Sita in His heart shows that He is totally surrendered to his lord (egoless). His very humble pose in Rama-darbar shows that he is a servant of Rama; this represents a calm, controlled and concentrated mind surrendered to truth, which is otherwise restless like a monkey. Like hanuman, we should strive to serve our lord (our true self, Atman), by bringing our mind, buddhi under the control of our own soul.
As son of wind-god (Marut) he symbolizes the power of breath (Pranayama), since breath and mind are directly connected. His success in location and contacting Sita(pure Buddhi) in the forest, means it is the calm and controlled mind that can discover our inner hidden (or imprisoned) potential.
Essence of Hanuman chalisa, the famous forty verses which are recited by millions of hindus everyday, give a very good description (Summary) of the qualities and deeds of hanuman in the Ramayana and it’s chanting will remind us to achieve great qualities of:
a.      Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual strengths
b.     Vast knowledge (Gyaan Gun Sagar), super, intellect (Vidya)
c.      Humility, service to Ram (Soul).
d.     Fearless, Selflesseness, egoless with attitude- nothing is impossible.

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